![]() A scene from our last show - Anything Goes. Our next show will be ‘The Yeomen of the Guard.’ Our producer and musical director is Betty Moore. Dear Members and Friends, I am delighted to say we have just put on a very successful show in Anything Goes. It was enjoyed by those on stage as well as those in the audiences and the comments and feedback have been very complimentary. Well done to all concerned in whatever capacity- it takes a good team to put on a good show.
Auditions have just taken place for our next show, The Yeomen of the Guard. It is completely cast and at present we have the luxury of 12 yeomen, not including the main characters. More would be welcome so if any of you chaps fancy a good sing, come along on a Tuesday at 7.45 and join in. The cast is as follows: Sir Richard Cholmondley James Kemble Colonel Fairfax Peter Spencer-Charles Sergeant Meryll Richard Pennicard Leonard Meryll Michael Johnson Jack Point Ken Cooper Wilfred Shadbolt Maurice Cole Elsie Maynard Lynne Johnson Phoebe Meryll Sarah Cuff Dame Carruthers Hilary Weal Kate Michelle Waller Our Producer and Musical Director is Betty Moore, a great favourite who makes all rehearsals enjoyable but also makes everyone work hard. Pat Thornton is rehearsal pianist on Tuesdays and Dorothy Taylor, who was MD and “rattled the ivories” in Anything Goes, is playing for our Thursday rehearsals. The show goes on from April 27th -1st May 2010. We are losing our wonderful box office and ticket lady, as Dizzy is moving house. We regret it so much, as she has done a marvellous job over many years. We wish her and David happiness in their new home and feel sure we shall not lose touch. A volunteer has come forward to take on the job - not an easy task, but I am sure she will do a fine job. We have just held a Quiz Night at Fryerning Parish Rooms. Richard Pennicard was in charge and did a splendid job. Sincere thanks also to Hilary for organising it. We raised £253. If you have any suggestions for fund raising or just a fun night for members, please let Hilary know as she is our Social Secretary and will convey ideas to the Committee Judy Cairns has moved to Suffolk and now has lots of land for her ponies. She is not in this show but says she hopes to be in Guys and Dolls in October. Again we wish her and Gill lots of happiness. I have her phone number and address if anyone wants it. She would be pleased to see anyone who cares to call. You may remember that we not only made a donation to Little Havens Hospice but also collected money in memory of Norma. The intention was to buy a bench to go outside the Club, but that turned out to be a much more expensive job than we expected. After considering many other ideas such as a plaque or mirror, it has been suggested we buy a clock inscribed to Norma and put it up on the wall during show weeks, because no one ever seems to know the time as watches are not allowed on stage. Please let the Committee know what you think. The AGM will be coming up in February, when David gets the auditing done for us. Most of the Committee will be standing down as their two year terms are up, but most would be willing to stand again. If you feel you would like to join the Committee please allow your name to be put forward as we always need new blood. Nicola, as our newest recruit, has been a wonderful asset and it would be great to have some of you younger members coming forward to bring new ideas. With Christmas coming up we are planning to sing carols outside the Community Club on Dec. 4th at the Ingatestone Victorian Evening, commencing at 6.30. Everybody is welcome. Dress up if you can. Books provided. We also decided this year, not to exchange Christmas cards within the Group, but to make a donation, which will go to the Ingatestone & Fryerning Community Assoc. to help the dire financial state of the Club and try to ensure we continue to be able to use the hall as our venue. I have become involved in a new Committee dedicated to raising money for this purpose. I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas when it comes and that the New Year brings health, happiness and further success for our Musical and Operetta Group. Kindest regards to all Lilian 01277 352360 To email me click here
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